What does college really cost? Oftentimes it is the very first question families ask when deciding where their student should apply. It’s a good question and something Accolade Financial can help you sort out; so let’s get into the details.  Tuition is typically the biggest segment...

Given the ever-increasing cost of college, it is becoming more and more common to see grandparents helping out with some of the financing. Due to recent regulation changes, where the money intended for college is saved and how it is distributed can have a strong...

Navigating Whose Income and Assets Count When a Students' Parents Live in Separate Households For students whose biological parents are no longer together, the college process can include additional challenges. Most notably, the financial aid process becomes much more complicated. Care should be taken to understand...

Savings and college are intrinsically linked, since whatever is not spent on college can be saved for use later in life. For this reason, Accolade Financial also makes financial preservation a focal point. We believe there is great importance in retaining money that may become...

Insurance plays a crucial role in preparing for a variety of events, both expected and unexpected. While "death and taxes" are both generally considered as inevitable, the timing of some events are often not predictable. Loss of income due to death, illness, or disability can...

The importance of attending college has only increased over the years, as have the challenges surrounding it. Students are expected to make decisions about their future at earlier and earlier ages, the rules around applying are becoming more and more clouded, ​and the cost of...