02 Mar Insurance
Insurance plays a crucial role in preparing for a variety of events, both expected and unexpected. While “death and taxes” are both generally considered as inevitable, the timing of some events are often not predictable. Loss of income due to death, illness, or disability can have detrimental effects on a family’s ability to fund college and retirement. Since insurance must be considered when addressing both college planning and retirement, Accolade Financial also makes insurance a focal point of service.
Accolade brokers virtually every life, health, and disability company available in Maine and New Hampshire. Since Accolade is an independent company, we have the ability to find the best product for the right situation, without any bias toward specific carriers. As insurance rates change and new product designs become available, policies run the risk of becoming obsolete. For that reason, Accolade offers an unbiased policy review service to make sure existing insurance policies are accomplishing what they were intended to accomplish, and that they’re doing so as efficiently as possible.