19 Aug Get Involved in School This Fall
With school starting for most students in just a few weeks, many high schoolers are enjoying the last gasps of their summer vacation. While enjoying that last trip to the beach, students should also be thinking about how they are going to get involved in non-academic pursuits once the school year starts again.
Some ideas for students of all grade levels:
- Join a club, or clubs, at school. Whether it’s something you’re just simply interested in—like learning a new language—or related to a career you hope to pursue—Model UN, for example—give something new a try.
- If you’re an upperclass student, take a leadership role in one of the clubs or organizations you’re involved in. Colleges will notice you taking the extra initiative.
- Stay active with extracurricular activities outside of school—Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, church groups, or volunteer organizations.
- Even if it’s only a couple days each month, keep your summer job or internship and continue gaining experience in a profession you’re interested in pursuing.
Though schools like a “well-rounded” student, they also like depth and continuity and value a student who is committed to 2-3 activities over the course of a high school experience rather than a student who tries to do it all. By getting involved early during your high school experience, you’ll help yourself by finding new interests and making yourself more appealing to the colleges where you apply.