How to Decide on What Colleges to Apply To

There are more than 3,000 four-year degree schools in the United States. There’s no way to learn about every single one, so how is a prospective student supposed to decide where they want to apply? 

When you work with the team at Accolade Financial, you’ll receive a list of 15 best-fit options which prioritize the important attributes you and your family are seeking in a college. 

As you begin to think of the college application process, selecting majors or desired professions is key. Often students value other criteria first and then focus on majors without determining if the school is a good fit for their desired career paths. A student who wants to be an engineer shouldn’t be applying to schools which specializes in liberal arts even if it meets all their other requirements.  

Size of a school is another important factor in the application process. There are serious differences between a school with 2,000 students and 5,000; and 5,000 and 10,000. Early in the application you may not know what size school you are looking for and need to visit those of different sizes to help narrow your search. 

Finally, the cost of college is an important factor, but don’t let the initial sticker shock deter you. We’ll work with you to sift through the costs of college on paper versus the actual cost to your family. For more than five years we’ve worked with families just like yours to save money and send students to college; let’s get started today.