
How Volunteering Improves Your College Application

Helping others and supporting a good cause can support your resume and offer personal and professional benefits. Here’s how volunteering improves your college application.

Reveal Your Interests

Give college admissions teams a glimpse into who you are as a person and potential student. Select volunteer projects that match your personal interests and career aspirations.

Develop Life Skills

When you volunteer, you learn practical life skills, such as:

  • Time management
  • Work ethic
  • Collaboration
  • Flexibility
  • Creativity
  • Empathy and compassion
  • Positive outlook
  • Generosity


Build Leadership Abilities

Show college admissions teams that you take the initiative when you select and commit to a volunteer project. As you give back, you also develop and demonstrate teachability, confidence, problem-solving, communication, and other leadership abilities.

Promote Character

When you remain dedicated to a volunteer project, you develop essential character traits. First, you prove that you’re a committed and trustworthy individual. Also, you develop honesty, integrity, and work ethic. Finally, you show that you’re willing to sacrifice in order to do the right thing.

Expand Your Worldview

Expose yourself to new ideas, thoughts, and opinions when you volunteer. An expanded worldview demonstrates your teachability, willingness to learn new things, and creative thinking.

Become a Well-Rounded Citizen

Colleges like to welcome well-rounded students to their community. So, choose a project that increases your community engagement and civic-mindedness.

Grow a Network

You can meet dozens of interesting people and build meaningful relationships when you volunteer. These relationships could develop into mentorships, college recommendation letters, and other personal and professional opportunities.

Earn Academic Credit

You may be able to earn academic credit through your high school as you volunteer. Check with your guidance counselor about this option.

Receive a Scholarship

Some colleges offer scholarships for committed volunteers who are active in their communities. You could even earn an award when you sign up for a campaign through

How to Choose a Volunteer Project

The right volunteer project teaches you essential skills and highlights your abilities. To choose a beneficial project, check for opportunities at school, in your neighborhood, and throughout the community. Also, discuss options with your parents or guardians, school guidance counselor, and other trusted adults.

Tips to Maximize Your Volunteer Experience

More than for a resume booster, volunteering genuinely improves your real-world experience and makes a difference in the lives of others. Maximize your experience when you:

1. Choose a project that matters to you.

2. Work in a position that matches your interests, talents, and future career.

3. Commit to a long-term project.

4. Ask for leadership opportunities.

5. Remember to focus on school, sports, and other activities, too.

Highlight Volunteering on Your Application

To highlight volunteering on your college application, prioritize it. Include all your volunteer experience on your timeline. You could also write your essay about why you volunteer, how you discovered the opportunity, what you learned about yourself, and the takeaway lessons you gained.

Volunteering provides personal benefits and can enhance your college application. Contact us to learn more and discover additional ways you can secure college acceptance.